Audeze Cookie Policy

1. 簡介

您在此網站上的隱私對我們來說相當重要。 本隱私政策適用於 域名內的所有在線平台和相關網站。

2. Audeze TW 在何處收集哪些訊息?

2.1 個人資料

Audeze TW 提供一系列服務,您需要通過輸入個人資料進行註冊。

如果您註冊我們的 Audeze TW 帳戶,我們也會收到您的個人數據。

2.2 非個人身份訊息

Audeze TW 使用第三方應用程序來追蹤和分析有關 Audeze TW 網站使用情況的非個人身份訊息。 我們僅使用此訊息來收集訪問者行為的摘要,例如最受歡迎和最不受歡迎網頁的統計數據。 收集的訊息無法追溯到特定個人。

第三方應用程序收集的所有數據均不歸 Audeze 所有。 此外,我們可能會從 30 家分析提供商那裡收到一些數據。 Audeze TW 不會共享、出售、分發或出租我們從這些第三方應用程序收到的任何訊息。

 2.3 點擊後到達網址和 Google Analytics

如果您註冊接收來自 Audeze 的時事通訊、更新或其他相關訊息,您將收到我們發送的電子郵件,其中可能使用鏈接到 Audeze TW 在線內容的“點擊 URL”。當您點擊這些 URL 時,您會在到達我們網站上的目標頁面之前通過一個單獨的網路服務器。我們使用這些點擊數據來幫助我們了解收件人如何回覆我們的電子郵件或與我們的電子郵件互動。您可以通過選擇所有 Audeze TW 電子郵件底部的取消訂閱選項或發送電子郵件至 來取消訂閱我們的時事通訊郵件列表。我們在每份簡報中都提供此退訂選項。

Audeze TW 還使用 Google Analytics 來收集我們網站部分的統計數據。我們將使用這些訊息來改進訪問者的使用者介面和網路服務。 Google Analytics 訪問您的瀏覽器和 Audeze TW cookie 提供的訊息,以收集有關您在 Audeze TW 網站上執行的操作的數據。為了防止這種訪問,您可以通過在瀏覽器的首選項設置中關閉 cookie 來選擇不使用 cookie,或者下載並安裝 Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on 選擇退出瀏覽器插件。您可以訪問  ,詳細了解 Google 的做法。

2.4 社群媒體及相關影片

Audeze TW 會記錄來自我們社交媒體平台的訊息,其中可能包括通過在 Twitter 或 LinkedIn 上關注我們提供的聯繫訊息,以及對我們 Facebook 頁面、LinkedIn 頁面、Twitter 或 Instagram 帳戶上任何文章的任何反饋或評論,或透過“喜歡”Facebook 上的 Audeze TW 頁面。 如果您選擇以 Facebook、Instagram、Twitter 和 LinkedIn 等社群媒體分享我們的數字內容,或觀看發佈在第三方媒體網站(例如 YouTube)上的影片,您可能會收到來自這些第三方的 cookie 應用程序。 Audeze TW 不控制這些 cookie 的設置; 我們要求您查看第三方網站,了解有關如何管理其 cookie 的更多訊息。

3. 我們如何使用您的個人資料?

我們使用您的個人資料來響應您的請求,並使用非個人訊息進行分析,以幫助我們管理我們的網站和平台並提供優質的在線服務。 Audeze TW 時事通訊訂閱者還可以從我們那裡收到訊息,包括新產品公告、特別促銷和新內容發布。

4. 我們與誰分享您的個人資料?

在執行本政策中描述的活動時,我們可能會與 Audeze 員工共享您的個人資料,他們都簽署了保密和 IP 保護保證,以防止您在未經您明確許可的情況下披露您的信息。我們不會出於任何商業或營銷目的與任何第三方共享您的個人資料。

在以下情況下,我們也可能會在我們認為適當和合法的情況下共享您的個人資料:(1) 當適用法律要求時,包括您居住國以外的法律; (2) 遵守法律程序; (3) 響應公共和政府當局的要求; (4) 執行使用 Audeze TW 網站和平台的條款和條件,包括本隱私政策; (5) 保護和捍衛我們的權利、利益和財產; (6) 允許我們尋求可用的補救措施或限制我們在 Audeze TW 網站或平台遭到嚴重破壞時可能遭受的損害。除非適用法律要求,否則我們沒有義務通知您此類披露。

5. 如果您不想分享您的信息怎麼辦?

我們將會詢問您是否希望收到我們的任何其他訊息。 您必須表明您的偏好才能完成註冊。 Audeze TW 提供了接受或拒絕您可能從我們這裡收到的郵件的機會,其中包含以下消息:“如果您沒有訂閱此列表或不確定收到此電子郵件的原因,您可以將其刪除。” 如果您沒有點擊“是的,我想訂閱”,則不會訂閱。

如果您想退訂或有任何疑問,可以在此處聯繫 Audeze TW。

6. 其他網站的連結

我們的網站可能包含指向其他感興趣且與我們的工作相關的網站的連結。 若您使用這些連結離開我們的網站,您須注意,我們對不在 域名範圍內的其他網站沒有任何控制權。 因此,我們不對您在訪問此類網站時提供的任何訊息的保護和隱私負責。 Audeze TW 隱私政策不適用於外部網站

7. 安全及保護您的數據資料

Audeze TW 採用一系列技術來保護我們系統上維護的訊息免遭丟失、誤用、未經授權的訪問或披露、更改或破壞。我們的網站透過使用安全套接字層對在我們網站上的表格中輸入的數據傳輸進行加密。這種加密是一種安全協議,用於在 Web 服務器和瀏覽器之間建立加密通信。收集的數據將會駐留在網路伺服器的數據庫中,只能由指定的 Audeze 員工或與 Audeze 簽訂合同並受 Audeze 數據保護和隱私政策以及合同保密條款約束的指定人員訪問。


如果您在註冊 Audeze TW 服務後希望修改您的訊息或不想收到電子郵件,您可以使用網站上提供的連結進行更新或取消訂閱。或者,您可以在此處與我們聯繫,說明您希望我們做什麼。

8. 如何聯繫我們

如果您對 Audeze TW 隱私政策有任何問題或疑慮,請與我們聯繫。

9. 我們隱私政策的變更

Audeze TW 可能會不時修改或更新本隱私政策,以反映我們工作和實踐的變化,您可以定期查看此頁面。

10. Regional compliance

Audeze makes available all necessary regional and country wide compliance forms here:

本網站可能會放置以下 Cookie:

This Website may place the following Cookies:

Essential Cookies
Name Description Category
_orig_referrer This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used to track landing pages. Essential
_landing_page This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used to track landing pages. Essential
_ab This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with access to the admin view of an online store platform. Essential
_secure_session_id This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used to track a user's session through the multi-step checkout process and keep their order, payment and shipping details connected. Essential
cart This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with a shopping cart. Essential
cart_sig This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with checkout. It is used to verify the integrity of the cart and to ensure performance of some cart operations. Essential
cart_ts This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with checkout. Essential
cart_ver This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with the shopping cart. Essential
cart_currency This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and it is set after a checkout is completed to ensure that new carts are in the same currency as the last checkout. Essential
checkout_token This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with a checkout service. Essential
storefront_digest This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and it stores a digest of the storefront password, allowing merchants to preview their storefront while it's password protected. Essential
cookieconsent_status This cookie is associated with the app GDPR/CCPA + Cookie Management and is used for storing the customer's consent. Essential
cookieconsent_preferences_disabled This cookie is associated with the app GDPR/CCPA + Cookie Management and is used for storing the customer's consent. Essential
_shopify_m This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used for managing customer privacy settings. Essential
_shopify_tm This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used for managing customer privacy settings. Essential
_shopify_tw This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used for managing customer privacy settings. Essential
_tracking_consent This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used to store a user's preferences if a merchant has set up privacy rules in the visitor's region. Essential
tracked_start_checkout This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with checkout. Essential
keep_alive Used in connection with buyer localization. Essential
shopify_pay_redirect Used in connection with checkout. Essential
t_v2_s Used by Affirm.Necessary for the website’s payment-plan-function upon checking out. Essential
thx_guid " LexisNexis The functionality is: to provide fraud prevention." Essential
tracker_device This cookie is used by Affirm, a 3rd party payment vendor, to track installment payments on the TestMax Web Store. The length of the cookie is five years. Essential
Reporting and Analytics Cookies
Name Description Category
_s This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite. Reporting and Analytics
_shopify_fs This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite. Reporting and Analytics
_shopify_s This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite. Reporting and Analytics
_shopify_sa_t This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite concerning marketing and referrals. Reporting and Analytics
_shopify_sa_p This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite concerning marketing and referrals. Reporting and Analytics
_shopify_y This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite. Reporting and Analytics
_y This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite. Reporting and Analytics
_ga This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics Reporting and Analytics
_gat This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics Reporting and Analytics
_clck Microsoft Clarity Persists the Clarity User ID and preferences, unique to that site, on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. Reporting and Analytics
_clsk Microsoft Clarity Connects multiple page views by a user into a single Clarity session recording. Reporting and Analytics
_gat_gtag_UA_9452794_1 Google analytics Reporting and Analytics
_s This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite. Reporting and Analytics
Marketing And Retargeting Cookies
Name Description Category
IDE This domain is owned by Doubleclick (Google). The main business activity is: Doubleclick is Googles real time bidding advertising exchange Marketing And Retargeting
GPS This cookie is associated with YouTube which collects user data through videos embedded in websites, which is aggregated with profile data from other Google services in order to display targeted advertising to web visitors across a broad range of their own and other websites. Marketing and Retargeting
PREF This cookie, which may be set by Google or Doubleclick, may be used by advertising partners to build a profile of interests to show relevant ads on other sites. Marketing and Retargeting
BizoID This is a Microsoft MSN 1st party cookie to enable user-based content. Marketing and Retargeting
__adroll This cookie is associated with AdRoll Marketing and Retargeting
__adroll_v4 This cookie is associated with AdRoll Marketing and Retargeting
__adroll_fpc This cookie is associated with AdRoll Marketing and Retargeting
__ar_v4 This cookie is associated with AdRoll Marketing and Retargeting
ANONCHK Microsoft Clarity, Indicates whether MUID is transferred to ANID, a cookie used for advertising. Clarity doesn't use ANID and so this is always set to 0. Marketing and Retargeting
CLID Microsoft Clarity Identifies the first-time Clarity saw this user on any site using Clarity. Marketing and Retargeting
MR Microsoft Clarirty Indicates whether to refresh MUID. Marketing and Retargeting
MUID Microsoft Clarity. Identifies unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. These cookies are used for advertising, site analytics, and other operational purposes. Marketing and Retargeting
SM This cookie is installed by Microsoft Clarity. Marketing and Retargeting
SRM_B This cookie is installed by Microsoft Bing Marketing and Retargeting
__kla_id "Klaviyo can track and identify site visitors through an auto-generated ID. This cookie can temporarily hold personally identifiable information. Once a visitor is identified, the cookie can pass their data into Klaviyo. Marketing and Retargeting
_ju_dc Justuno This cookie contains a unique code that identifies the device for profile tracking purposes. Marketing and Retargeting
_ju_dm "Justuno This cookie is used to determine actual root domain of customer website." Marketing and Retargeting
_ju_dn Justuno Marketing and Retargeting
_ju_pn "Justuno This cookie is used to safeguard against multiple tabs/windows overwriting each other’s profiles." Marketing and Retargeting
_ju_v "Justuno This cookie is used to cache the Justuno version used for the website’s account" Marketing and Retargeting
_uetsid " Bing Ads The functionality is: to store and track visits across websites." Marketing and Retargeting
_uetvid " Bing Ads The functionality is: to store and track visits across websites." Marketing and Retargeting
cjConsent Comission Junction Marketing and Retargeting
cjUser Comission Junction Marketing and Retargeting
_fbp Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. Marketing and Retargeting
Functional Cookies
Name Description Category
_gid This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics Functional
_shg_session_id Shogun editor Functional
DUMMY_COOKIE A dummy cookie used to test whether the user's browser blocks third-party cookies. Has no informative value Functional
NID These cookies are used to remember your preferences and other information, such as your preferred language, how many results you prefer to have shown on a search results page (for example, 10 or 20), and whether you want to have Google’s SafeSearch filter turned on. Functional
__cflb The __cflb cookie allows Cloudflare to return an end user to the same customer origin for a specific period of time configured by the customer. This allows the end user to have a seamless experience (for example, this cookie is used for keeping an end user’s items in a shopping cart while they continue to navigate around the website). This cookie is a session cookie that lasts from several seconds up to 24 hours. Functional
_shg_user_id Shogun Functional
secure_customer_sig Used to identify a user after they sign into a shop as a customer so they do not need to log in again. Functional